Every Learner Matters Policy
This policy has been devised to support all staff members working on behalf of CTS Training in supporting the aims to fulfil the Every Child Matters Agenda as detailed in the Government Green Paper of the same name (2003).
CTS are fully committed to providing high quality training and learning to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all learners who are in contact with the company and its employees, associates or volunteers, either through recruitment, training, assessment and coaching.
We recognise our duty of care and legal obligation to safeguard and promote the ongoing welfare of all our learners. CTS Training aim to achieve the highest possible standards and take all reasonable steps when planning outcomes, to meet the requirements of Every Learner Matters.
The term ‘learner’ includes young learners and vulnerable adults as described below:
Young Learner means those under the age of 18 including all those up to their 18th birthday – are designated a ‘child’ within the terms of the Children’s Act 1989.
A Vulnerable Adult is generally an adult over the age of 18 years, who has a learning difficulty and/or disability, or is a learner without English as a first language or has health or mental issues.
This policy states how we intend learners to reach these five outcomes and uses numerous strategies to support this.
Be Healthy
Stay Safe
Enjoy and Achieve
Make a Positive Contribution
Achieve Economic Well-being
Be Healthy
We want our learners to enjoy good physical and mental health and live a healthy
lifestyle and choose not to take illegal drugs. CTS define a healthy lifestyle as being one where learners are aware of the importance of a balanced diet, the need for exercise and the dangers of drink, drugs and unsafe sex.
This will be achieved through:
Providing excellent levels of Information, Advice and Guidance.
Issuing handouts with advice and support on referral systems.
Inductions for all age groups promoting healthy lifestyles, including
healthy eating, the importance of exercise, the dangers of drugs, drinks, smoking etc. which are introduced as appropriate for the age and stage of learners.
Promoting healthy lifestyle both to learners and employers through regular information in newsletters, handouts etc.
Regular reviews with learners to reinforce the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Access to water throughout the day. (Every Child Matters Policy 2 August 2009).
Provide a smoke free environment.
Help learners to recognise signs of stress and develop schemes to manage this.
Stay Safe
We want our learners to stay safe and be protected from harm, neglect, bullying, harassment, discrimination, anti-social behaviour, sexual exploitation, drug abuse and violence.
This will be achieved by:
Developing excellent safeguarding systems.
All staff are DBS checked at the appropriate level.
Promote the importance of safety both to staff and learners through inductions.
Staff will be appropriately trained to prevent issues of a safeguarding nature.
Implementation of a referral system.
Administering Information, Advice and Guidance leaflets.
Maintaining accidents books and review incidents to minimise any future occurrence.
Making learners aware of the risks of internet grooming.
Implementing the bullying policy and grievance procedure.
Ensuring adequate lighting and security of all areas of delivery sites.
Enjoy and Achieve
CTS believe that learners attending training should get pleasure from this, (i.e. have self-confidence and self-belief) develop personal and social skills so they can make progress with their learning.
This will be achieved through:
Assessment and monitoring of the learner’s progress.
Providing excellent mentoring support.
Supporting learners with poor attendance.
Providing a range of resources to meet individual requirements.
Learners will be encouraged to express their opinions and views.
Publish success stories through our Facebook page, newsletter and website.
Making the learner aware that each individual is important and they have the right to enjoy and achieve in a positive environment.
Make a Positive Contribution
CTS expect all learners to engage as law abiding citizens and not employ in any anti-social behaviour. We encourage them be caring members of the community and develop positive working relationships alongside fellow colleagues.
We will achieve this through:
Inductions, learners will be made aware of their rights and responsibilities within the community.
Acting as a learning resource for the wider community, offering learning opportunities and an assortment of other facilities.
Encouraging learners to share and promote aspects of their culture with others.
Make learners are aware of their importance to the effective working of an
inclusive society.
Promoting learners to engage in taking responsibility for their own learning.
Encouraging pupils to have the confidence to develop independent views and know how to convey these appropriately.
Questionnaires to enable our learners to express their views and offer ideas.
Achieve Economic Well-being
CTS will ensure our teaching and learning strategies develop self confidence, motivation and employ a healthy work ethic. We will make learners aware of their potential in the market place, encourage them to utilise into further education and training to enhance their employment opportunities.
This will be achieved through:
Learners will have the opportunity to attend courses.
Access to learning resources.
Interview training.
CV writing techniques.
Information, Advice and Guidance Handouts.