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Learner Zone

Notice board

CTS has a duty of care to all our students to safeguard and protect them.

 All young people, and adults at risk, regardless of their age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief and sexual orientation or identity have the right to protection from bullying, harassment, harm or abuse.

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Safeguarding Notice Boards


In England there is a law called the Children Act, which says that professionals have a                 

Notice Board
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To report a safeguarding issue or concern contact:


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Susannah Robb

0114 2636570


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Kim Hodgson / Alix Sorsby

0114 263 6570 /

If a crime has been committed or an issue needs dealing with urgently you should contact the police. In an emergency dial 999 (non-emergency dial 101)

responsibility for your safety. This includes children's social care services, the police, teachers and health workers. Adults and organisations that work with children and young people promote these rights. No one is allowed to hurt you in any way.

Notice Board

Mental Health Advocates                             

Megan Hayward 

Isha Saddiq


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